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Rezeptbuch GIN – classic & Contemporary cocktails (englischsprachig, neu)

$5.60 $7.00

Rezeptbuch Gin - classic & Contemporary cocktailsSprache : EnglischThe Gin-Lovers companion to everything Gin and everything Cocktail.There's nothing quite like a gin and tonic on a hot day. Or on a cold day.But then there's nothing like a Dry Martini

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Rezeptbuch Gin – classic & Contemporary cocktails

Sprache : Englisch

The Gin-Lovers companion to everything Gin and everything Cocktail.
There’s nothing quite like a gin and tonic on a hot day.
Or on a cold day.
But then there’s nothing like a Dry Martini either. Or a French 75. Or a Negroni. Or a Sloe Gin Sling.

Here’s a collection of classic and contemporary cocktail recipes that celebrate our favourite spirit.

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