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Buch (englischsprachig, gebraucht) Are We Nearly There Yet? Family’s 8000 Miles Around Britain in a Vauxhall Astra

$4.00 $5.00

"Are We Nearly There Yet?Family's 8000 Miles Around Britain in a Vauxhall Astra"von Ben HatchTaschenbuch, 345 SeitenArtikelzustand Gebraucht - Sehr gutThe story ofa madcap five-month family trip to write atravel guideembracing the freedom of the open road

SKU: ND861266927097 Category:

“Are We Nearly There Yet?
Family’s 8000 Miles Around Britain in a Vauxhall Astra”
von Ben Hatch
Taschenbuch, 345 Seiten

Artikelzustand Gebraucht – Sehr gut

The story ofa madcap five-month family trip to write atravel guideembracing the freedom of the open road with a spirit of discovery and an industrial supply of baby wipes“Hurry up,” I shout at Dinah, whilst on the overhead telly Ray MearsSurvivalis playing extraordinarily loudly because Charlie sat on the volume button of the remote. The kids writhe about in the V05 shampoo they just spilt, laughing as the last of their clean clothes bite the dust, and I’m thinking: “Survive driving round England with two under 4s, staying at a different hotel each night and visiting four or five attractions a day and sometimes a restaurant in the evening. Sleep all in the same room, go to bed at 7 p.m. after having had no evening to yourself, wake up at 7 a.m. and do it all again the next day with the prospect of another 140 nights of the samethen come and tell me about survival in your khaki ****ing shorts, Ray.”They were bored, broke, burned out, and turning 40. So when Ben and his wife Dinah were approached to write a guidebook about family travel, they embraced the open road, ignoring friends’ warnings: “One of you will come back chopped up in a bin bag in the roof box.” Featuring deadly puff adders, Billie Piper’s pajamas, it’s a story about love, death, falling out, moving on, and growing up, and 8,000 misguided miles in a Vauxhall Astra.

Buchpreisbindung entfllt, da :
englischsprachiges Buch
englischer Verlag
gebrauchter Artikel


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