Buch (englischsprachig, gebraucht) Kochbuch Aiden Byrne- Made in Great Britain
Kochbuch "Aiden Byrne- Made in Great Britaingebundene Ausgabe , 223 SeitenArtikelzustand Gebraucht - Sehr gutNeupreis 25 GBPRising star Aiden Byrne shares his passion for great British cooking. The youngest chef ever to win a Michelin star, Aiden is now he
Kochbuch “Aiden Byrne- Made in Great Britain
gebundene Ausgabe , 223 Seiten
Artikelzustand Gebraucht – Sehr gut
Neupreis 25 GBP
Rising star Aiden Byrne shares his passion for great British cooking. The youngest chef ever to win a Michelin star, Aiden is now head chef at the grill in Londons prestigious Dorchester hotel. There are 150 recipes divided into four chapters: Vegetables, Fish, Meat and Desserts. Ranging from beautifully simple dishes to the more fabulous creations, all the recipes showcase Aiden’s talent for creating perfectly judged dishes using the best that Britain has to offer, from Scallops with Garlic and Lime Puree to Veal Cutlets with Broad Beans and Girolle Mushrooms and Warm Chestnut Cake with Chocolate
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englischsprachiges Buch
englischer Verlag
gebrauchter Artikel
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